
Wednesday, January 9, 2013

How CVS Paid Me To Shop!

Today I stopped into CVS to do some of the deals that I posted about for the week HERE. When I scanned my CVS card at the Saving Center kiosk, I received my quarterly ECB (for $2.00) as well as a coupon to save $2.00 on Listerine. Here is a photo of what I ended up with for 9 cents plus tax:
CVS paid me to buy coke
But wait, there's more! After I paid $1.32, I got this gift card worth $10.00 at CVS:
CVS Cash card
How I Did It:
The Coca Cola 12-packs are on sale 3 for $10.00, and they are also part of a deal to get $10.00 in CVS Cash when you spend $30.00. I bought 9 of them, and used 9 coupons for FREE 12-packs that I got in the mail recently from MyCokeRewards! I never pay for soda but always get it free this way with codes that I find at the recycling center.

What made the deal even sweeter was that I found these peelie coupons on the 12-packs when I got to the store :
I bought 3 bottles, but my 16 year old son already snagged one before I could take the picture. Each bottle and 12-pack has more codes that I can enter to earn more soda!

Heads up: The FREE 12-pack coupons automatically deducted $5.99 when scanned at the register. Had I known this was going to happen, I may have used a different strategy to optimize the potential $23.94 in overage! My cashier had clearly never see a "free item" coupon before and had to get the manager's assistance in the middle of our transaction to review everything. He then reduced the coupons down to $3.33. If your CVS has a self-scan, that would be the ideal way to use them.

The FREE Coke 1.25 liter coupons each took off $1.19 automatically when scanned, even though the bottles were 99 cents each! 

The Listerine Ultraclean Mouthwash was $3.99 and I used the $2.00 CVS coupon that popped out the red machine with a $1.00 manufacturer's coupon from the 1/6 Smart Source. It ended up free with the overage from the Coke 1.25 liters bottles plus a little from the Stayfree pads, since they were $4.19 and the cashier took off $4.49 for my BOGO free coupon.

In addition to the $9.00 profit that I made on the spot, I will earn the following from Ibotta:
Listerine Ultraclean - $1.25
Coke Zero - 75 cents
Sprite - 75 cents

The Ibotta offer to get a $5.00 bonus for signing up will end this Friday, so if you haven't done it yet, now is the time! You have until noon to sign up on January 11th, and then until Thursday, January 17th to do your first deal and get the $5.00 bonus in your account. You can click HERE to register!

The cost of my shopping trip without coupons? $74.68!


  1. So you didn't get the Culturelle?

  2. I forgot! Some people are getting a CVS coupon from the red machine to save $10 on a digestive probiotic that makes for a big MM! It will be free at RA next week - I will get it there.
