
Wednesday, January 16, 2013

What's for Dinner? - Stir Fry

I had this little package of Angus Bottom Round Roast in my freezer that I got from some Food Lion deal awhile back and I was trying to figure out how to stretch it out to feed 5 people. You can see the sticker that says it cost $2.09, but I am sure it was rolled into some deal with a meat FLIP that made it cheaper.

Angus Bottom Round Roast

I decided to use these Asian Style vegetables that were part of the Meal Deal at Harris Teeter Super Doubles last week to make stir fry.
Birdseye Steamfresh Asian Vegetables

So, I cooked up a pot of rice with this bag that cost 8 cents at Food Lion with a coupon from the Savings Center kiosk.

My Essentials Brown rice

After browning the meat in a little oil, I just dumped the veggies into the same skillet and covered them with a lid to steam for about 5 minutes. Then I stirred in some Teriyaki Sauce that I got for free at a previous Harris Teeter Super Doubles event.

Then I took the lid off and stirred and cooked a little longer until everything was heated through. And that was dinner for about 50 cents a serving! 


  1. I am loving your cooking posts! We often have the same cheapies and freebies so it's fun to see what you did with them. We had the Smithfield ham steaks on the Hawaiian rolls the other night thanks to your post. :) Thank you!

  2. You are welcome and thanks for your comment!!
