
Saturday, February 2, 2013

Loudoun County Limbo in Ashburn - Feb 6th

Ashburn Library
Ashburn Library

I am very excited about my first public appearance as a coupon blogger!

I have been invited to speak for an hour next Wednesday evening in Ashburn.  If you would like to learn couponing basics or know someone who would, here is the venue:

Ashburn Library
43316 Hay Rd
Ashburn, VA
 February 6, 2013
8:00 to 9:00 pm

Come on out - I would love to meet my readers in person!


  1. How exciting! I wish I could book a flight and come listen :) You'll do fantastic & totally bless whoever shows up to learn.

  2. Thank you, Angie. We will miss you!

  3. I'm very excited to meet you and learn!
