
Sunday, July 7, 2013

Loudoun County Limbo On The Road

I'm back from a two week vacation that involved dropping my two daughters off at camp in Pennsylvania, taking my son to Florida, picking my daughters back up from camp and visiting relatives. Whew! After all that driving (and spending) I need another vacation!!

My son, Jake, told me that he had always wanted to learn to surf. So, to reward him for graduating with honors from high school, my husband and I whisked him off to Cocoa Beach for a week. I found a fabulous cottage on Vacation Rentals by Owner for much less than an oceanfront condo.

Surfing at Cooa Beach, Florida

We had fun surfing, visiting the Kennedy Space Center on the day the new Atlantis Space Shuttle exhibit opened (where we met real astronauts!), touring historic St. Augustine, taking an airboat Ecotour, and just hanging out at Cocoa Beach and eating seafood.  I didn't take my coupons along, but I did keep my eyes open for Coke codes. I found these either on the beach or in parking lots during our trip.
Coke Codes on Caps

I also kept my eyes peeled for coupons whenever we stopped for gas. Gas stations are one of the best places to find high value tearpad coupons. These are the ones that I collected during our travels.
Tearpad coupons

Near the end of our trip my husband ran out of a prescription that I normally get from Rite Aid. We stopped into a CVS where I found this sign in a window.


I took in this coupon from last week's Rite Aid flyer.

And walked out with this gift card from CVS worth $25.00!

So, even though I cashed in all of my store rewards before we left, I have credit to start shopping again this week without going out of pocket!


  1. Once a couponer always a couponer, even on vacation. Glad your back Theresa and that you trip went well. Where in PA did you daughters go to camp? I am a PA girl.. I especially love your Rite aid step by step.. thanks again

    Lisa in PA

    1. Lisa, my daughters go to a camp in the Laurel Highlands near Somerset but I have relatives in both Lancaster and Greene counties.

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