
Friday, September 20, 2013

Box Tops for Education and Cash!

Now that school has started back it's time to turn my trash into treasure and trade Box Tops for Education!  Schools that participate in the Box Tops for Education (BTFE) program get 10 cents for each box top that they turn in. Most traders will pay 5 cents per BTFE but I have a long-standing relationship with a trader who pays 7 cent each. She just emailed and asked if I had any to trade, so I got out my BTFE chicken.
Box Tops for Education

I keep this chicken in my kitchen, and throughout the year as I am cooking, I clip BTFE off packages and throw them in. I also look for BTFE when I am at the recycling center. I usually wait until I have a big batch before I do a trade, although I will occasionally trade 10 here or there for coupons that I can't get locally.

My trader asked for no BTFE expiring in 2013, so I got them out and sorted them. I found a few expired and tossed them, then organized them into groups of 10 to make them easier to count. My total came up to 360!

Box Tops for Education

My trader will send me $25.20 by Paypal and I will mail these out to her. My postage for a 3 oz envelope will cost 95 cents, so I will end up with a profit of $24.25!


  1. LOL, I use a standard ziploc bag on top of the microwave to collect them. Maybe I should get stylin and find a cash cow ornament? :-)

    Wow, I had no idea people paid money for them. I have used them in trade but for years or I would donate them to co-workers for their kids. And I usually collect about 500 a year. WOW, I had no idea.

  2. I could donate them to my local schools but I would rather they go to a lower income area school. I don't feel bad about selling them, because my trader gives them to the Korean kids in her neighborhood who need help with school things, because their parents don't speak much English.

    1. *nods head in agreement* Another enlightening article :-)

  3. Can you share the person that you sell them too? I have a bunch and I would love to get them to someone who would use them :)

  4. Allison, I don't have her email (I contact her via a trading forum) but if you email me at, I can send you her address.
