
Monday, September 30, 2013

Free Ritz Cracker Coupon at MyCokeRewards! has an offer available for a free box of Ritz Crackers for 150 points!  This seems to be an offer that comes and goes. I always get it when it is available, because my husband loves these crackers and I can never seem to get them for my cracker stock up price of 50 cents per box.

After you select this item, mails you a coupon. It seems to come pretty quickly and is long-dated. Then I hold it for a Buy One Get One Free sale, and get 2 boxes for free!



  1. If I only had 150 points :( I lost some of mine this summer because of no activity so I have a basket full in my kitchen to add when I get enough to get a free soda :) Yum crackers!!!

  2. tried to redeem but offer hasn't reset yet from summer/august redemption.
    but while at their site, won $100 debit card playing my freebie instant win - fanta contest. still pinching myself! most ever won was $10 mc d's. thanx for heads up for upcoming holiday offers. wasn't until reading your blog & few others -- quickly accrued bonus points, free i/w play AND entering codes from my treasure hunts a/k/n dumpster diving! grateful for all you share w/us! dologram ((*.*))

  3. Wow - congrats!! That is odd about the Ritz coupon, because I ordered it this summer and was able to order it again the other day.....
