
Friday, December 28, 2012

My Free Movie and Discount Lunch Adventure!

I read the book Life of Pi about 7 years ago and loved it, so I was excited when it came to theaters this month. I decided it would be the perfect film for which to use movie passes that I have earned by collecting codes off specially marked packages of Schick SlimTwin Razors and Kellogg's Cereals. The movie was in 3D, which means the tickets normally cost $13.50 apiece. And since all my kids are over the age of 12 now, the cinema classifies them as adults for ticket price purposes. That means our movie tix would have cost $67.50!

Life of Pi

Prior to the movie, we stopped into Red, Hot & Blue for lunch. Last year I signed up all five of us for the RHB Club. That means each family member received a postcard for a free meal on their birthday. What you may not realize is that Red, Hot & Blue will allow you to use more than one of these postcards on the same tab AND will accept them after they have expired. We essentially paid for 3 lunches and got 2 free, reducing our bill from from about $60.00 to about $45.00 with taxes and tip.

Red, Hot and Blue

The Spidey Code passes can be used for concessions as well as tickets at the theater, so we didn't need to spend any cash at the concession stand either. While I did get some Spidey Codes by purchasing cereal, I found many of them at my local recycling center while dumpster diving for coupons. The program runs until June 2013, so there is still time to collect more!

In the end, we had a nice family outing that would normally have run about $125.00, but we only spent $9.00 per person for lunch and a movie -  and I am happy to report that the movie was just like the book!!

1 comment:

  1. I love this blog post! I even read some of it out loud to Josh while we were on a date. Good for you guys!
