
Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year

I want to wish all the Loudoun County Limbo readers a joyful 2013!  I started this blog one year ago today as my 2012 New Year's resolution.  I knew absolutely nothing about blogging - just that I got a lot of things for free and wanted to share the info with others who were interested in couponing, doing rebates, and saving money.

In 2012 I spent a total of $2136.60 on groceries and toiletries for my family of two adults, 3 teenagers, and 2 dogs.  That equates to an average of  $41.08 per week!   I also sent off for $585.00 in rebates and received $76.90 from Saving Star.

This year my resolution is to expand Loudoun County Limbo even more. I plan to post more deals, more coupons, and more useful information - including low cost recipes, dumpster diving finds, internet bargains and tips for frugal living.

I welcome your comments, questions, and suggestions!


  1. Dear Theresa,
    How do you save on clothes? I have a large family and will have 4 teens as of March. I can shop thrift stores and consignment sales for the younger children, but dressing the teen girls is a challenge.
    Thanks for all your tips and match-ups.
    Ann in VA

  2. Hi Ann - I think the best system is to have a budget for clothing for each person, for the year. We also shop at Thrift stores and my kids only get clothes when they actually need them - when they have outgrown a shoe size or need an outfit for a special occasion, for example. My 2 daughters cans share clothes and the older one passes things to the younger one. My kids get clothing or clothing store gift cards for their birthdays and Christmas, and each one does chores to get an allowance which they sometimes spend on clothing.
