
Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Why Are Vampires Reading This Blog?

Vampire Shopper cartoon

When I started posting deals on Loudoun County Limbo, I assumed that my audience would be humans who lived in Northern Virginia, and perhaps some other areas of the country with the same stores that we have here. But apparently a large number of my blog readers are vampires!

This is mystifying to me, since I had always believed that vampires drank human blood and didn't frequent supermarkets. My 13 year old daughter suggests that perhaps they are stalking their prey at the stores - and reading this blog to find out where the most shoppers will be searching for the best deals.

I haven't followed the Twilight series, the Vampire Diaries, or True Blood, so while I know there has been a resurgence in interest in vampires recently, I didn't realize that perhaps there had been a resurgence in vampires themselves.

Anyway, according to my Blogger statistics, it seems that much of the traffic that lands on this blog comes from a website called I also apparently have a large numbers of readers in Russia. Perhaps and hopefully, that is where my vampire readers are all located.

While doing research for this blog post (aka searching for an image to include) I learned that there is actually a phenomenon called "vampire grocery shopping". It describes people who only shop early in the morning before the sun is up or late in the evening - to avoid the heat in places such as Arizona. I don't think that is a problem in Russia.

I've also noticed that whenever I post a Starbucks deal, I get a lot more hits on Loudoun County Limbo. I wonder if vampires have stopped drinking blood and are now subsisting on Starbucks coffee instead?

If you are a vampire reading this blog, please leave a comment and let me know what deals interest you the most and why. If you are not a vampire, thank you for reading this far and feel free to leave a comment on deals that interest you as well!


  1. Thanks for the good laugh. I guess there are lots of vampire spammers out there for us bloggers!!

  2. Oh my gosh! So funny! :) This sounds like an April Food's Day joke on April 3rd, LOL!
