
Monday, July 29, 2013

Harris Teeter Pharmacy Deal & Pizza Monday

Today I ran into Harris Teeter so that I could do this No Beer Purchase Required (NBPR) mail in rebate for $3.00 on the purchase of any fresh pizza:

Blue Moon NBPR Rebate form

I went today, because Harris Teeter has a special price for deli pizza on Mondays. Normally they are $11.99, but on Monday they are only $7.99. I had never ordered from the deli before, so I didn't realize there would be a 20 minute wait. I didn't have any other shopping to do, so I ran over to the recycling center for 15 minutes, where I collected this haul:

Dumpster Diving Haul

When I got back to Harris Teeter I noticed this sign, advertising a $20.00 store credit for every new or transferred prescription:

Harris Teeter Pharmacy Offer

The deal is only for customers who have not previously used a Harris Teeter pharmacy. I can't take advantage since I got $200 in free groceries last year with this deal. However, if you haven't used the Harris Teeter pharmacy before and your store is participating, this is a very easy way to get free food!


  1. How do you find these recycling centers? I have noticed you mentioning them. Thanks amy

    1. Also do I need special permission to go through the recyclables at these locations or is it open to the public? Thanks

  2. It depends on your area. Some are locked up, but the ones I got to are open to the public so that they may drive up and drop recyclables off. Just do an internet search on your county and recycling and you should find all the info that you need. Here are the locations for the ones is Loudoun County:

  3. I was going to ask the same question about recycling centers so thanks for answering. I called and my county is not open to the public-only drop off. Great recycle haul. The papers and codes together made it well worth while. Too bad you couldn't find Food Lion gas receipts ;-) lol
    PS - ever since your vacation post with the coke caps picture I started doing the same thing...picking up caps lol. Today I was at a red light and there right outside my door was a red coke cap. I opened the door and reached down and picked it up. Then I chuckled all the way home on what I had just done

    1. PS - I saw the HT sign about the pharamacy and groceries over the weekend. I am going to nab that one :-)
