
Monday, July 22, 2013

No More Free Milk at Rite Aid?

Gallon Milk

I have gotten nearly all my milk at Rite Aid for the past three years and it has been free with UP Rewards. When I didn't have enough UP Rewards to make it free, I still bought it there, because with my 20% Wellness discount it was cheaper than anywhere else.

I know in some states that laws to protect dairy farmers have prevented others from using their UP Rewards on milk, but here in Virginia we didn't seem to have that issue. Until this month.

Twice last week I purchased milk at Rite Aid, and both times my UP Rewards would not go through. The first time, the cashier pushed it through, but I was dismayed that I did not get my discount. Milk was the only item I bought in that transaction, so I thought she had forgotten to scan my card. However, it happened again when I bought the milk together with other items, on which I did get my discount.

After some research, I ran across this statement which says the following about the Wellness program:  Discount not valid on prescriptions, prescription copays, tobacco products, alcohol, gift cards, online purchases, lottery tickets, licenses, money orders, money transfers, newspapers, prepaid cards, stamps, other mail services, dairy, items distributed by Moran Foods or Save A Lot Food Stores and items prohibited by law.

I am now wondering if this policy is new or if Rite Aid just suddenly began to enforce it at my store. And while the wording on my receipt says that UP Rewards may not be used on certain items, dairy is not among the list. So, what's up with that?

My family uses a gallon of milk a week, sometimes two, so I calculate that I have saved about $200 per year with this program, and I am sad that I now have to find another strategy. Oh, well, one thing about couponing is that there is always another great deal around the corner if we just have the curiosity to look for it!

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