
Wednesday, August 7, 2013

My Lucky Trip to the Recycling Center!

Yesterday I drove over to the recycling center to have a look and came across a nice assortment of coupons and codes.

I also found that someone had chucked their entire library, so I rescued all of these books!

These books were especially fascinating.......

....because it turned out they weren't real books at all, but secret compartments!

However, my most exciting find was in the last dumpster I checked:

Gas Ticket #1 for the Food Lion Shell Gift Card!  I was missing this one because I was on vacation when the promotion started. I now have 5 tickets and just need to get one more this week to earn my $15.00 gift card!!


  1. Theresa,

    How do you get the stuff out of the dumpster?

  2. The dumpsters have big windows for people to throw stuff in. I just stand next to the window and pull stuff out. It has to be pretty full, otherwise I can't reach. I used to have a grabber tool to get stuff that was out of reach, but it broke because I used it on objects that were too heavy (books).

  3. LOVE the week 1 Food Lion Gas Receipt...and all the other stuff :-) Love it! Love It! Love it!

  4. This is awesome! I read the post to my sister because we JUST been to there to get stuff. We got a bunch of coupons (do you want them? They're that set of 5 from a couple weeks' back. I have way too many now which is a great problem to have). I also got books and saw a ton more that I couldn't reach. I LOVE those "books" you found. I'm so jealous!

  5. I thought they enter the tickets into your card and even if you pick up other people's, cannot use it.

  6. I don't think the system is that sophisticated. When they have run promos like this in the past, I was able to trade for tickets and used ones issued to others. I am pretty sure the Catalina marketing machine is programmed to spit out a ticket when you hit the $40.00 threshold with no correlation to your MVP card.
