
Monday, September 23, 2013

Update on my Free Knockout Rose Bushes

I previously posted about how I got four large Knockout Rose Bushes for free and spent a day transplanting them in to my backyard in July.  Well, with the shock of transplant and the summer heat, they did not fare well, and this is the sight I've had out my office window for the past few weeks:

Nevertheless, I have watered them faithfully every morning and night that we did not have rain, and if you get up close you can see that they are not completely dead:

One of them has even had some new green growth:

Once the growing season is completely over and they are dormant, I will prune them back very short.  They have attracted quite a few birds and butterflies as well as dragonflies to the back yard, which is nice.

In other frugal gardening news, these tomatoes sprang up of their own volition this year:

I had a lot vegetables planted last summer, but never got around to doing it this summer.  These tomato plants seeded themselves. Love me some free tomatoes!!

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