Loudoun County Limbo

Loudoun County Limbo
How Low Can You Go?

Monday, September 2, 2013

Free Milk and Cheap Cereal at Safeway!

This week General Mills Honey Nut Cheerios are on sale 3 for $5.00 at Safeway. You can get four boxes for 66 cents each PLUS a gallon of free milk through September 3rd like this:
- Load the Just4U e-coupon to get a free gallon of milk when you buy 4 participating cereals to your Safeway card (participating cereals include General Mills, Kelloggs, Post or Quaker). The coupon expires on September 3rd!
- Buy 4 Honey Nut Cheerios on sale for $1.66 each
- Buy a gallon of milk 
- Use 2 of these coupons, doubled:
$0.50 off 1 BOX Honey Nut Cheerios cereal
- Use 2 coupons for $1.00 off that you can print HERE
- Pay $6.64 minus $4.00 in coupons = $2.64 out of pocket and get the milk free!!


  1. why is the $1.00 coupon doubled at Safeway? Is there a Just4U download or another coupon I don't see. Iam always looking for cheap milk and cereal :-)

  2. The $1.00 coupon isn't doubled, but the 50 cent coupon is doubled.
    So, you will use 4 couons in all:
    2 for 50 cents doubled = $2.00 and 2 for $1.00 each = $2.00.
    Your cereal total is $6.46 for four - $4.00 = $2.64
    The milk will be free as a result of the Just4U e-coupon. Mine expires today but I loaded a while ago. If you load it today, it may expires later - I don't know!
    Also, some people (but not me) got a Just4U offer of 10% off Cereal, which makes for an even better deal!!!

  3. thanks.....I am headed to Safeway now
