Loudoun County Limbo

Loudoun County Limbo
How Low Can You Go?

Friday, June 1, 2012

Food Lion Savings - May 30-June 5, 2012

Click HERE to print out a coupon good for $5.00 off a $25.00 purchase at Food Lion. This coupon is working on the Pre-Sale Price (PSP).  Remember to scan your MVP card at the Kiosk for coupons as you enter the store.

Here is what I got last night:
2 Pantene Shampoos - $3.49 each (PSP $4.29)
2 Pantene Mousse - $3.49 each (PSP $4.99)
2 Bell Peppers - 78 cents a pound = $1.56
1 Bag of My Essentials Rice (3 lb) - $1.56 (PSP = $3.39)
1 Bag of My Essentials Shredded Cheese (8 oz) - $2.29
3 Cans My Essentials Mushrooms - 79 cents each (PSP $1.29)
PSP Total = $29.67
Actual Total = $21.74

I then used:
The $5.00 coupon that you can print above
2 Buy One Get One Free Pantene coupons-cashier took off $4.29 for each (expired 5/31)
1 Coupon to save $3.00 when you buy 2 Pantene products (expired 5/31)
1 Kiosk coupon to save 75 cents on My Essentials Rice
1 Kiosk coupon to save 75 cents on My Essentials Shredded Cheese
Coupon Total:  $18.08

This week you can get a free Pantene Styler when you buy any Pantene Shampoo, so including that in your transaction will boost your PSP total by $4.99, and take $3.49 off your actual total. This offer is one per transaction.

My total was $21.74 minus $3.49 for the free styler = $18.25 minus $18.08 in coupons  = 17 cents. My tax was 59 cents, so my bill came to 76 cents!

I will use the Pantene purchases on this receipt to finish off the P&G Beauty Olympic Rebate!

If you aren't receiving coupons from Food Lion by email, you can sign up for their Shopper's Companion Newsletter by clicking HERE.